Today we would like to thank one of our local groups, Last Century Hot Rodz & Haulers. The folks with this group aim to build a community that focuses on supporting local charities, supporting one another, and being involved in their community.
At their cruise-in events, they sell popcorn, drinks, and take donations that help raise money for children who are legally blind. This money is used to send the children to a fun summer camp experience at our very own Austin Peay State University.
In just the last month, their group participated in a parade for a local nursing home that supported Alzheimer’s. This weekend, the group will be joining Clarksville Police and Fire to help celebrate a little girl’s birthday.
The group has two more meetings scheduled for this season:
September 13, 2020 and October 11, 2020. Vehicles start rolling in at 4pm and it lasts until the last car leaves.
They meet at 674 Riverside Drive which is located right behind/beside O’Charleys restaurant near the river.
These are family friendly events with music, door prizes, and awards.
On behalf of all our dolls at Pinups for Positivity, we thank you.
Thank you for doing so much for our community. Thank you for helping create and promote a great community. Thank you for giving back to the children and families in our community.
Follow them on Facebook: