Written by: Mrs. Coastal Kitty
Wife of today's featured Veteran
Meet Mr. Bil! He is an Army Veteran.
15 years of service as a mechanic. He med boarded out in 2014.
He has been stationed at Ft. Campbell, Red Stone Arsenal, Korea, Ft. Lewis, Iraq and Afghanistan multiple times.
Mr. Bil has a long family history of serving in the military, all the way back to the Revolutionary War. He very proud of his family’s service to our great nation!
Having done his time as a soldier, he is now trying his hardest to help other soldiers during the process of leaving base. Mr. Bil can be found working at CIF on Ft. Campbell.
Mr. Bil can be found at our family friendly events and at the National Multiple Sclerosis Walk in Clarksville, TN
As a devoted husband to one of our dolls, as a role model father, as a friend to numerous dolls and their families, as a veteran and hero throughout his life, we want to thank you. Thank you for your service to our country. Thank you for your continued presence and help to our community and our soldiers. Thank you for your friendship, dedication, and brotherhood.
Today and everyday, thank a veteran.